PALSTIC ITS BIG ISSUES - 1 in English Biography by HARPALSINH VAGHELA books and stories PDF | PALSTIC ITS BIG ISSUES - 1

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Plastic is a boon for us. Or curse
Knowing the title, you must have known.
Everybody also knows me.
We all know we are small
Or big all home plastic choice
Alexander Parks Alexander Parks, who was a Metallurgist and inventor of Birmingham, England, from December 1813 - June 29, 1890. He created Parkinson's, the first man-made plastic.
The world's first fully synthetic plastic was discovered in Belize in 1907 in New York, by Baylander, who called 'Plastic Nobel Laureate Hermann Studinger' called "the father of polymer chemistry." Known as "and the mother of polymer physics" is the secret to plastic success.
When I first set foot in this world.
I was completely ignorant of the world at that time
I didn't know anyone
I am grateful to those who gave birth to me in the world created by this step.
Today, people bring anything they want to me, and I move around with them everywhere I work for them on the cheap.

When I was created, I thought too much of my use would be over. Those who searched for me thought that I'll work to connect people.
You can easily deal with each other.

When I was created, I thought too much of my use would be over. Those who searched for me thought that I'll work to connect people.
You can easily deal with each other.
But today, everything is going different. ?
My use is increasing and if this human being brings me into the created world, then all the members of my family will be doing what the plastic has done since today.

Why do I come back up?
Who am I?
Why do I like people so much?
I feel like something special is in me
Today, my family is jealous of me.
But what happens if I don't have even a minute?

"Because I am so talented and cheap, so that" I am not alone with my other family members.
Yes, I was first discovered
Thank you Alexander Parks.
My dad went to dinner one time and Mommy got a phone call to get a kayak and immediately I arrived at his house with a plastic hot lunch.
Once upon a time Gabbar told my dad in that Gadar picture that he would let the plastic in. My dad works hard all day and I can't do anything plastic. How is his life?
General Chat Chat Lounge
If I were to be away some day, I would be long. And as I get older, my utility is increasing
I became a headache for my family.
"What is the reverse thief Kotwal ko dote"
"Ghar ka khayaa aur mere ghar mein".
I'm with you wherever I go.
If I am you are you?
Should we fight this fight?
What should be the fight against plastic?
Think about a small dealer before you even give them.
Should You Find The Best Option?
what is option of plastic like bamboo and like any type tree which one ?
Part: 1